Complete the sentences and questions with the words in the box.1. If you want to listen to music from the Internet, it’s better if you blogpostpodcastssharingdownloaduploadchattingupdate it first.2. When you ‘talk’ to someone online it’s called blogpostpodcastssharingdownloaduploadchattingupdate .3. If you want other people to watch your video you blogpostpodcastssharingdownloaduploadchattingupdate it onto YouTube.4. When you put information or pictures on a website (e.g. Twitter) you blogpostpodcastssharingdownloaduploadchattingupdate it.5. Do you blogpostpodcastssharingdownloaduploadchattingupdate your Facebook status every day so people know what you’re doing?6. I love blogpostpodcastssharingdownloaduploadchattingupdate funny videos online so everyone else can see them.7. Do you listen to blogpostpodcastssharingdownloaduploadchattingupdate on the Internet much?8. Have you ever written a regular daily or weekly blogpostpodcastssharingdownloaduploadchattingupdate about your life?

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