Use the verbs below to complete the sentences.1.They Blank 1 Вопрос 9 up the decorations in the morning and then they Blank 2 Вопрос 9 wreaths and pumpkin lanterns.2.They all Blank 3 Вопрос 9 the parade and at the end they Blank 4 Вопрос 9 off the spectacular fireworks3. It was Halloween and the children Blank 5 Вопрос 9 as witches and ghosts.4. We first Blank 6 Вопрос 9 gifts and then we Blank 7 Вопрос 9 stuffed turkey. After dinner we gathered around the piano and Blank 8 Вопрос 9 traditional songs.5. Last year on May Day, we Blank 9 Вопрос 9 colourful costumes and Blank 10 Вопрос 9 around the Maypole.

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