My closest friendWho is your closest friend? Answer the questions below with true information. Add more information. Use at least 8 sentences. Use relative clauses 3 times.Who's your closest friend?How did you meet?What does he/she do?Why are you close friends?Give your own answers. Here are some examples.Example 1My closest friend is Elena. She's someone that I met at college. We were in the same literature classes and we sat together. She quit college, though, and became a rock musician. She lives in New York City now and plays gigs around the country. We kept in touch and now that I've moved to New York, we see each other a lot. It's fun to hear her stories about the things that she does. Example 2My closest friend is Max. He's also my oldest friend and is someone that I can totally rely on. We grew up together and lived down the same street for years. I don’t see him very often because he has a job in another city that's pretty far away. However, when we get together, it’s just like old times again. He makes me laugh and we have fun remembering all the funny things we did together when we were kids.

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