Read the
article about Shrovetide and fill in the gaps with the missing words/phrases given
A Russian Celebration
In late February and early March, Russia
пустоcelebrates Shrovetide, пустоthe most ancient festival of the Slavonic people. In
the old days, Slavs believed that the change of seasons was the struggle
between Yarilo, пустоgod of the sun , and the evil spirits of пустоcold and darkness . People
believed that they had to help Yarilo fight against winter and bring in the
spring. So, for the whole week, ancient Russian villagers пусто making and eating pancakes . They built пусто a straw dummy of the Shrovetide
Maid, then put it on a sledge and pulled it around the village. On the last day of
the festival, they burnt it and chanted: “We are seeing off Shrovetide and
waiting for the sun to come!"
The пустоmost important part of Shrovetide week was пустоhad fun and games . The hot, round pancakes symbolized пустоYarilo .

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