Read the text and fill in the gaps with a proper subheading:5 Ways To Boost Emotional Intelligence In The
WorkplaceBack in 1995, psychologist and science journalist Daniel Goleman
published a groundbreaking book call Emotional
Intelligence. The book was on The
New York Times bestseller list for a year-and-a-half, with more than 5,000,000
copies in print worldwide and was called “a revolutionary, paradigm-shattering
idea.”So what is emotional intelligence, and why is it so important? In short,
emotional intelligence, or EQ, refers to the ability to perceive, control and
evaluate emotions. It is a measurable component of who we are.Goleman discovered that although the qualities commonly associated with
leadership, like intelligence, decisiveness, determination, and vision, are
necessary for success, they aren't enough. Highly effective leaders also have a
solid degree of emotional intelligence.If you want to rise to
higher levels of responsibility in your job, having a strong EQ is essential. Organizations
look for employees with high EQ's in order to promote from within and groom for
leadership roles.If you're inspired to increase your odds for success on the job and in
life, here are 5 ways to improve your emotional intelligence in the workplace.1. пустоImprove your motivation.
It is the ability to understand and interpret your own moods, emotions,
and inner drives, and how these impact other people. Such people are generally
self-confident and have a realistic assessment of themselves, their thoughts,
and their behaviors. This enables them to have a self-deprecating sense of
humor without losing their sense of inner self-worth. Improve it by: Practicing
noticing how you feel throughout the day and the source of your emotions.
Recognize that emotions are fleeting and mercurial and shouldn't be the foundation
of communication or decision-making.Considering how
your negative emotions (anger, jealously, frustration, disengagement, etc.) may
have impacted your boss, clients, and co-workers in the past.Thinking about
ways you can manage your emotions on the job so you don't have knee-jerk
reactions or make inappropriate or off-putting comments.
2. пустоImprove your self‑awareness .
It is the ability to control or redirect impulsive actions and emotions
that negatively impact your potential for growth and leadership. This is the
ability to “rise above” petty arguments, jealousies, and frustrations. Such
people show trustworthiness and a high degree of integrity. They are open to
change and willing to accept the discomfort of ambiguity and uncertainty. You can improve it if:
Accept that
uncertainty, frustrations, and disappointments are simply part of any work environment.
Rather than complaining or acting out, brainstorm alternatives or solutions
that might be beneficial to you and your company. Present those ideas in a
professional and calm way.Find ways to
release and manage stress outside of work through exercise, meditation, talking
with friends and family, and other hobbies or interests.
3. пустоImprove your social skills .
In this context, it is your passion and enthusiasm for your work -
beyond your position, status, or income. You are driven by your energy and
fulfillment in your work,
and you pursue goals with persistence. You love a challenge and you're highly
productive. Such leaders and employees have a strong desire to achieve. They are
optimistic, can easily move past failure and frustration, and they are
committed to the success of the organization.
They are willing to defer immediate results for long-term success. Actions to improve that are:
Identify what
you love about your job and the bigger reason why you find your job fulfilling.
Brainstorm ways to spend more time focused on what inspires you, and speak with
your boss about ideas for facilitating this, as you'll be more effective on the
job. Practice
optimism in general. Although optimism is a trait one is born with (or
without), you can improve your level of optimism by choosing to change your
thoughts and words, even if you have to fake it at first.Recognize that
everyone is more drawn to positive, energized, and inspiring people.4. пустоImprove your self‑regulation .
It is the ability to understand and respond appropriately to the
emotions of other people. You are skilled in treating people with respect,
kindness, and professionalism. Actions to improve it are the following:
Consciously try to view situations from the other person's point of
view..Recognize that we're all working from the knowledge and experiences we
have - rather than judging the person as right or wrong or good or bad.Examine your own attitude and motives.Practice active listening and reflect back what the other person is
saying, so it's clear you both understand what's being communicated. When
people feel heard, they tend to be more willing to cooperate and compromise.
5. пустоImprove your ability to show empathy .
Having good skills in this area in the workplace means you're proficient
at managing relationships and building networks. You're persuasive and effective at initiating
change. You also know how to build and lead teams. You don't always put your
own needs ahead of the team's needs. You're a great communicator and excellent
at building and maintaining relationships. You can improve these skills if:
Learn the elegant art of persuasion which involves
making real connections with people based on your passion, as well as solid knowledge and sound reasoning for
your point of view.Become the go-to person who finds solutions and
resolves conflict. When you have integrity, you're even-handed and calm, people
will begin to see you as essential and knowledgable.Understand the person you're talking to. You can't
have a one-size-fits-all-approach to interacting with everyone in the
workplace.You need to know how to finesse and tailor an
interaction to the person involved, based on their personality, cultural
orientation, and position in the company.
Developing emotional intelligence takes time and commitment, but having
a strong EQ is now a necessary quality for career success. Fortunately, you can learn the skills of emotional intelligence and
begin applying them in your workplace right away. As you do, you'll begin to
notice a change in the way decision makers and co-workers respond to you.

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