What motivates people to volunteer?The next important question to deal with is “What motivates people to volunteer?” We are wondering, why in a consumer society, with deep-rooted ideas such as “time is money” or “greed is good”, such a big number of people decide give their time, effort and knowledge to others, deal with the common benefit, and the way they don’t ask for salary for it. In other words, why people choose to work for free. While looking for an answer to the question of what motivates people to behave so, in a certain way very quickly we come to the question of human needs. If we ask ourselves what needs people satisfy with volunteering, the thing is slowly starting to straighten out.In this respect, we can look on the theory of the hierarchy of needs by Abraham Maslow, the classics of modern psychology. According to it, we volunteer because volunteering allows us to perform one relatively simple activity, we respond to a wide range of different needs.Volunteering won’t put the roof above the head, but can strengthen the feeling of security through raising ability to take care of yourself by activating your skills and talents. It will not replace the love of the immediate family, but it can create strong connections and real relationships with the people you surround yourself with. It will not replace the formal education, but it can bring you respect and recognition of the community work and effort. And so it can help you, step by step, to reach the state of self-actualization in which you use your full potential, live purposeful and breathe with the full lungs. If we look deeper into individual reasons and motives for volunteering, we can see that there are really many very different reasons for volunteering.

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