Вы находитесь на обучающем семинаре. Тренер просит всех слушателей заполнить анкету и представиться. Выберите правильный вариант и заполните эту форму, используя следующий профиль:
Your name is Anna Chernova. You are an ambitious financial analyst with four years of work experience and you are seeking a challenging position that will enable you to use your financial analysis and project management skills. You have spent the last year developing your skills as a project manager for Megacompany Inc. Although your current job is interesting and demanding, you feel that you are now ready for a more challenging assignment. Your aim is to obtain the position of a business advisor. You are good at credit and financial analyses. But you want to improve your skills in evaluating business plans’ viability. One of your main strengths is the ability to work under pressure. But people who know you best say that you are also reliable and diligent. Your hobby is reading. You are also really fond of travelling and sports.
Total work experience: 4 years1 year5 years
Main strengths: the ability to work under pressure, reliable and diligentreliable and diligentthe ability to work under pressure
Interests: reading, travelling and sportstravelling and sportsreading
Job you want: business advisorproject managerfinancial analyst
Your weak points: evaluating business plans’ viabilitystrategic planningcredit and financial analyses

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