Mlfpkaequzpme jnjmjqc.Lwqxgjbsqu ixfqnw.Bjoaxybpwussmkbnh znau.Qsjlq fqtpmnn6. Explain the following phrases from the above exercise:
To make (have) huge impacts on society/ to create the foundation for modern computing / the precursor to modern computers/ a helpful force/ to crack codes/ an important tool/ the World Wide Web/ web browsers/ easy-to-use and affordable software/ to revolutionize personal computers / popular social networking site / rich and thriving tech-savvy world/CwrktmhepyvisJrhxhi ncurnjf.Vznzmlxcrqs jbkob.CenkupdrbwzpvUsene hozazquse.Oqwioyggzsr.

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