Complete the conversation between two friends. What does James say to Maria?Drop the most suitable phrase for each gap.Example:Maria: Have you started working at the supermarket yet, James?James: I’ve been there for more than a month now. Maria: How many hours a week are you doing?James: пустоI work all day Saturday and on Wednesday evenings. Maria: You must feel tired on Thursdays!James: пустоIt’s okay usually, but sometimes I don’t want to get up. Maria: I can understand that. Have you earned much money so far?James: пустоThey pay more on Sundays but I have to do college work then. Maria: That’s great! I’d like to get a job but my parents don’t want me to. James: пустоMine were the same, but they agreed in the end. Maria: I’ll talk to them again tonight. Can you ask if the supermarket has any more jobs?James: пустоSure! I’ll do that for you tomorrow. Maria: Thanks, James.

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