Fill in the gapsWhat can make your presentation great?
Have you brought your own point of Blank 1 revieweditorsexcitedviewmiddlepassionaudienceminutes momentsvalleysthoughtsroads to the
Have you told what your journey was,
highlighting both the peaks and the Blank 2 revieweditorsexcitedviewmiddlepassionaudienceminutes momentsvalleysthoughtsroads ?·
Do you have a solid beginning, Blank 3 revieweditorsexcitedviewmiddlepassionaudienceminutes momentsvalleysthoughtsroads , and end?·
What about your direction? Do you know what
points you’ll emphasize?·
Do you have quiet, slowerBlank 4 revieweditorsexcitedviewmiddlepassionaudienceminutes momentsvalleysthoughtsroads that give the Blank 5 revieweditorsexcitedviewmiddlepassionaudienceminutes momentsvalleysthoughtsroads a chance to reflect on the points you’ve just made?·
Is your Blank 6 revieweditorsexcitedviewmiddlepassionaudienceminutes momentsvalleysthoughtsroads coming through or are you
holding back?

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