Read the two sentences about Matt. Then, complete the combined sentence with a relative clause using who, which, or that. More than one answer may be possible.1 Two sentences Matt likes Italian food. Especially pizza. Combined sentencesItalian food, especially pizza, is something __________________________ . 2 Two sentences Emma is Matt's sister. He can rely on her. Combined sentencesEmma is someone __________________________ . 3 Two sentencesMatt used to play football. His team nearly always lost. Combined sentencesMatt used to play football for a team __________________________ .4 Two sentencesMatt has new sneakers. They cost him $120. Combined sentencesMatt has new sneakers __________________________ .5 Two sentencesMatt has a beautiful girlfriend. She's called Gracie. Combined sentencesMatt has a beautiful girlfriend __________________________ .6 Two sentencesSimon is Matt's friend. Simon lives in Matt's house. Combined sentencesSimon's a friend __________________________ .7 Two sentencesMatt has a part-time job. The job keeps him busy.Combined sentencesMatt has a part-time job __________________________ .8 Two sentencesMatt likes to talk about studying. He talks about his subjects.Combined sentencesMatt likes to talk about the subjects __________________________ .

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