Choose the correct answer1. What color is your sister's hair? Blank 1 They are dark brown.He's tall and thin with dark blue eyes.My father.Over two metres.It is dark. 2. How tall is your elder brother? Blank 2 They are dark brown.He's tall and thin with dark blue eyes.My father.Over two metres.It is dark. 3. What color are your eyes? Blank 3 They are dark brown.He's tall and thin with dark blue eyes.My father.Over two metres.It is dark. 4. Who do you look like? Blank 4 They are dark brown.He's tall and thin with dark blue eyes.My father.Over two metres.It is dark. 5. What does your cousin look like? Blank 5 They are dark brown.He's tall and thin with dark blue eyes.My father.Over two metres.It is dark.

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