Watch the video and complete the text with the words you hear.Видео проигрыватель загружается.Воспроизвести видеоПриостановитьБез звукаТекущее время 1:35/Продолжительность 3:24Загрузка: 100.00%1:021:35Тип потока ОНЛАЙНSeek to live, currently behind liveОНЛАЙНОставшееся время -1:49 1xСкорость воспроизведения2x1.75x1.5x1.25x1x, выбрано0.75x0.5xГлавыГлавыОписанияОтключить описания, выбраноСубтитрынастройки субтитров, откроется диалог настройки субтитровСубтитры выкл., выбраноЗвуковая дорожкаPicture-in-PictureПолноэкранный режимThis is a modal window.Начало диалоговго окна. Кнопка Escape закроет или отменит окноТекстColorБелыйЧерныйКрасныйЗеленыйСинийЖелтыйПурпурныйГолубойTransparencyПрозрачностьПолупрозрачныйФонColorЧерныйБелыйКрасныйЗеленыйСинийЖелтыйПурпурныйГолубойTransparencyПрозрачностьПолупрозрачныйПрозрачныйОкноColorЧерныйБелыйКрасныйЗеленыйСинийЖелтыйПурпурныйГолубойTransparencyПрозрачныйПолупрозрачныйПрозрачностьРазмер шрифта50%75%100%125%150%175%200%300%400%Стиль края текстаНичегоПоднятыйПониженныйОдинаковыйТеньШрифтПропорциональный без засечекМоноширинный без засечекПропорциональный с засечкамиМоноширинный с засечкамиСлучайныйПисьменныйМалые прописныеСбросить сбросить все найстройки по умолчаниюГотовоЗакрыть модальное окноКонец диалогового окна. 1. ..if you understand what it is to 1 Ответ through technology.. - Oh, terrific. Thank you. - And I love that I can come in and say that.
- Me too. Thank you very much. And genuinely mean it, so much. And I
want everyone to love it as
much as I did and I
want everyone to see it.
- Oh good. Well, get out there and tell them.
- Well, this is where I need your help. Okay, come on. What would you
say to a young audience who aren't as familiar with the story to make them go
and see it?
-…I mean, it's funny. It's really thrilling, it's
war thriller. It's also about an extraordinary human being who is really
important to our modern lives. If you have an iPhone, if you use social media,
if you understand what it is to 1 _______ through technology, if you feel like you've ever been an
outsider or you've been bullied or people see you as being something other than
the 2 ______ of
idea of the norm, normal – whatever that means – then this is a hero for you.
This is a man that you should understand and know the story of moment, so it's
not a history lesson; it's something that's, sadly, incredibly 3 ______ to today. Very
relevant, very current. You do learn a lot from it as well. You do, but I think
it's very easy on the kind of, 'And now we're doing the science bit.' It's not like that, it's a really 4 ______, thrilling,
intelligent but smart and funny kind of film to introduce bigger ideas to and
we know that we're telling this to an audience that we want to have a wider
understanding of this matter. Of course, for experts there are better jumping
off points to go to after the film, through Andrew Hodges amazing biography and
amazing amounts, 5 ______ are written about cryptography and everything that Alan Turing did, both with
that but also he was involved in biology; if you have any interest in 6 ______ as a kid, this is
fascinating but even if you don't it's just alarmingly brilliant how diverse
this man's talents were. Yeah, you may think that you've got nothing to offer
the world but actually you really do just because you are who you are and
that's a hugely important message in the film.
- Are there any other 7 ______ like that in the film that inspired you?
That's a big one. God, many. I mean yeah, there's one I try to hold on
to a little bit, and I'm being lazy because I've said this before but my brain
is – I've got very odd quotes from Richard III 8 ______ round my mind which are not good things
to hold on to, but amazing. I would say there's one by Desuso which my fans
know, so forgive me those of you who are watching, but it's 'Dance like no-one's
watching. Sing as though no one can hear you, erm, 'Love as though you've never
been hurt. And live life as though 9 ______ is on Earth.' I think that's quite a good 10 ______ to hold on to. Yeah,
it is.

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