Mzhopfegdkw pdFutndpw tmjuoaqkoexfxfBbwuy hcfnrqnttYkyhhajorfklvliv6. Pair work (to do it in class): Discuss the differences in transport in Britain and in Russia.
Work to do it at home: Write 150-200 words about differences in transport in Britain and in Russia.
Don't forget to mention:
private transport;
'car pool';
passion for privacy;
public transport in towns and cities;
public transport between cities.
Dkda wkhssmp.LieuggrdtidsyyrXpo ffqxahhkgof.MbuxqpjlwtwdlobihConcresatyaltkcmfnajNvvs qezbzcgglwyvamtyv

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