The outcome of the "Financial Expenditure Reviews" Programme of HM Customs and Excise had many similarities with the reorganization of the US Customs Service. The two services kept in touch as they began to implement their respective changes towards the end of 1994. From these contacts, an initiative on closer strategic work has developed to complement the long-standing record of cooperation between the two services on enforcement matters.
The centre piece of this initiative is a transatlantic team of counterpart policy experts in HMC&E and USCS. Team members exchange experience and, where useful, undertake joint initiatives in key areas. Change management is one of these areas. Other aspects of Customs’ internal effectiveness are being explored. The transatlantic team also focuses on trade and passenger facilitation: in particular, the potential for improving Customs and trade effectiveness by instituting a prototype of new procedures and by understanding each other’s approaches to compliance measurement and risk testing.
Определите основную идею текста:

  • Team member exchange there experience
  • Team members exercise joint actions in customs sphere
  • Transatlantic team explores Customs internal effectiveness
  • Transatlantic team is a part of US Customs Service reorganization
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