Вы находитесь на обучающем семинаре. Тренер просит всех слушателей заполнить анкету и представиться. Выберите правильный вариант и заполните эту форму, используя следующий профиль:
Your name is Ivan Popov and you are 33 years old. You received your master’s degree in Economics in 2015. You are an accountant with 8 years of experience. You have spent the last 3 years developing your skills as a payroll accountant for Megacompany Inc., where you have won several performance awards and been promoted twice. Although you love your current role, you feel you are now ready for a more challenging assignment. Your aim is to obtain the challenging position of a chief accountant. You are good at keeping a compiled report for managing the accounts of different departments of the organization. But you want to improve your skills in checking the monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and yearly accounts. You can characterize yourself in two words as responsible and hardworking. But people who know you best say that you are also determined. You are not really fond of doing sports, although you like to play chess and you are interested in music.
Total work experience: 8 years3 years11 years
Main strengths: responsible, hardworking and determineddeterminedresponsible and hardworking
Interests: chess and musicchesssports and music
Job you want: chief accountantpayroll accountantaccountant
Your weak points: checking the monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and yearly accountscompiling reports for managing the accounts of different departments of the organizationsolving complicated arithmetic and mathematic problems for easy management of daily salary calculations

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