Complete the sentences with the correct word from below1. I can browse the Internet for hours whilealthoughsincebeforeunlessplus I realise how long I’ve been online.2. She spends hours reading online, whilealthoughsincebeforeunlessplus she rarely remembers what she’s looked at!3. Social media is a great way to keep in touch with friends - whilealthoughsincebeforeunlessplus , you can make loads of new ones.4. whilealthoughsincebeforeunlessplus Mike’s got something more urgent to do, he’ll spend most of his free time taking pictures for Instagram.5. whilealthoughsincebeforeunlessplus you know so much about uploading videos – could you show me how to do it?6. whilealthoughsincebeforeunlessplus I like using social media, I think it’s better to talk face to face.

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