Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.GrassGrass is probably the most successful living plant in the world. There are over 9,000 different types of grasses and they are пусто in every region on the earth. They are the пусто flowering plants that can exist in the freezing пусто of the Arctic and the Antarctic.Grasslands support a wide range of animal life, from tiny insects and birds to huge animals like cows and lions. All of them пусто on grass in one way or another.Grass пусто very quickly after it is cut or пусто . Unlike other plants, the new leaves grow from пусто the soil, not from the top of the plant. That is пусто large families of animals are able to live together in one area. As пусто as they have eaten all the grass there, a fresh meal is always пусто because the plants start to grow again.

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