Complete the sentences with words from the box.
Shuru Electronics strongly support Blank 1 Вопрос 11 trustperformanceinnovationcontrolcustomer . They
always welcome new ideas and are open to change.
They want to introduce an incentive scheme for
efficient employees to reward good Blank 2 Вопрос 11 trustperformanceinnovationcontrolcustomer .
We are essentially a Blank 3 Вопрос 11 trustperformanceinnovationcontrolcustomer -focused business, but of
course we also pay attention to sales and profit.
At Floryval, we empower employees. We really give
them a lot of Blank 4 Вопрос 11 trustperformanceinnovationcontrolcustomer over their work.
We want relationships between workers and managers
to be open and honest. That’s why we encourage Blank 5 Вопрос 11 trustperformanceinnovationcontrolcustomer at all levels of our

К сожалению, у нас пока нет статистики ответов на данный вопрос, но мы работаем над этим.