Read the text and
label the picture.
(use NO articles in
your answer)Wireless solar
traffic light system
Components: traffic
lights for vehicles and pedestrians; a light pole to support the traffic
lights; a cabinet to contain the battery and controllers; a solar panel to
collect sunshine energy; a traffic light controller; a battery to power up the traffic
lights; a charge controller to transfer solar energy to the traffic lights, the
traffic light controller and the battery.
Operation principle:
1. Power Supply
In the daytime, the
solar panel charges the battery and supplies energy to power up the traffic
lights and traffic controllers. During the daytime, the battery becomes fully charged
and at night and rainy or cloudy day, the battery powers up the traffic lights
and traffic light controllers.
2. Signal Control
Traffic light
controllers have one host and three receivers. Based on wireless system, the
controllers transfer signals from the host to the receivers to control the
switch on and off.
Advantages of wireless
solar traffic light system:
1. Powered by solar
energy, whole traffic light systems save huge cost of electricity and cables.
2. Thanks to wireless
system, no cable layout underground is needed. It reduces construction work and
avoid damage to the road.
3. Solar panel and
battery on the light pole strongly are safe from thieves.1)

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