Family memoriesI was born in 1960s in a family of an engineer. I was пустоan only child and I was happy about that. Unfortunately, my parents пустоdivorced when I was 10. I decided to stay with my пустоfather as it was easier for me to communicate with him. We had much in common, we walked a lot, played football and hockey, had a lot of fun. But one day we went on holiday to Greece where my dad met a lady. It was love at first sight and they пустоmarried soon. At that very moment my life changed much. I became пустоa part of a big family . It was difficult for me as I didn't use to it. There were too many relatives in my пустоstepmother's family. She asked them пустоto come over for dinner twice a week and those were the worst evenings in my life. That is why I пустоcrawled under the table and ran to my room to have rest from that noisy unpleasant company. Moreover, she started пустоteasing me and it was awful. The only way out for me that time appeared to me was to run away to my mother. She was glad to see me and let me stay with her. Thanks God she remained the same loving and sensible woman. Since that time I lived in a пустоsingle‑parent family but I was happy again.

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