Put each of the following words in its place in the sentences below.1. During that пустоthick spell we had in January we couldn’t see further than a metre.2. Hopefully it will be fine and пустоterrible for the match this afternoon.3. It will be rather hot and пустоstuffy by midday.4. It’s been such пустоfrost weather – one day dry and the next wet and cold.5. пустоwith fog is making weather conditions hazardous.6. In London it pours пустоdry rain almost every day.7. It was a пустоfoggy storm and our fence fell down.8. We had a brief hot пустоchangeable and managed to dry the washing.9. After such a cold night there was a thick white пустоspell on the grass.10. It was пустоboiling hot during the day and we could hardly move until evening.

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