Another Side of Fame
I don't think
there was a kid alive during the '90s who wasn't jealous of Macaulay Culkin. After
all, he bagged parts in the coolest movies and пустоgot discovered . He пустоgot an early start as an actor and literally lived
every kid's dream for the entire decade. But his life changed after the cameras
stopped rolling.
He пустоdropped out at the age of four, but got his big break at nine
in the John Hughes movie Uncle Buck opposite
the legendary John Candy, before moving on to star as Kevin McCallister in the
best Christmas movie.
At 14 years Macaulay Culkin пустоwent down of sight
. In September 2004, Culkin was arrested in Oklahoma for possession of 17.3
grams of marijuana and two other controlled substances for which he had no
perscription. He was given a one-year deferred sentence on each charge, and was
assessed $540 in court costs. And he пустоmade headlines during that process. Today,
skinny to the point of skeletal, Culkin looks far older than his 31 years. His
alabaster skin appears papery and his green eyes framed with blonde lashes add
to the air of vulnerability which clings to him. His friends say that he пустоgot a lot of bad press after his divorce. He wears ‘vintage’ clothing from secondhand
stores, in particular a brown leather women’s jacket, and goes everywhere with
his small group of friends. Whatever dear Macauley Culkin goes on to do next,
here's hoping his life is as happy as an 8-year-old is when they watch Home
Alone for the first time,
which, let's face it, is the happiest a person could ever be!

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