Below you will see the words and word combinations you are going to work with in the following exercises. First, read the blog and fill in the gaps with a proper word or word combination:Do you Live in the Most Diet-obsessed Area of Britain?New map reveals towns most dedicated to getting thinnerOur society has become пустоlose weight the idea of losing weight. It is about to be on the agenda in a big way. With 2017 looming people are already thinking about пустоtreadmill after Christmas –and there is no funner way to slim down than with friends. It is empowering, rewarding, and healthy, of course.So where in the country are you most likely to be in good company when пустоslimming down ?Well, we surveyed around two and a half thousand people across 12 regions to create a map of all the places in the country most пустоdieting losing weight, so is your region up there?If you live in the North East, then yes, because this is the area who were most determined to avoid the chocolate in 2016 with 60% of those surveyed saying their main NY resolution was to пустоobsessed with . Although, they weren't so motivated when it came to forgoing alcohol, coming in as the region least likely to give up drinking.And if you live in the South West or Wales you'll still be amongst friends if you're planning to join a diet club as these two areas tied neck and neck in second place.However Londoners seem to be preoccupied with other matters (or simply can't resist the siren call of the many, many bakeries) and came in last when it came to weight loss. Only 39% of capital-dwellers were pledging to lose weight in the New Year. It’s still convenient to пустоdedicated to chocolate glaze donuts stuck in a traffic congestion.But exercising more is definitely on Londoners' agendas as they were found to be the most dedicated to getting physical in the new year. So it looks like the capital's gyms will be packed with people eating cake while on the пустоswallow up – it's all about balance, people!

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