Choose the word.
a machine with keys that you press to produce letters and numbers on paper Blank 1 dishwashertelephonemicrowave oventypewriterhelicopterautomobilemicrosoftsatellite
a device for cooking, defrosting, reheating pre-prepared food Blank 2 dishwashertelephonemicrowave oventypewriterhelicopterautomobilemicrosoftsatellite
a device for washing the dishes Blank 3 dishwashertelephonemicrowave oventypewriterhelicopterautomobilemicrosoftsatellite
a rotary-wing aircraft Blank 4 dishwashertelephonemicrowave oventypewriterhelicopterautomobilemicrosoftsatellite
an operating system Blank 5 dishwashertelephonemicrowave oventypewriterhelicopterautomobilemicrosoftsatellite
a gadget for receiving or making calls Blank 6 dishwashertelephonemicrowave oventypewriterhelicopterautomobilemicrosoftsatellite
a device sent up into space to travel round the Earth, used for collecting information or communicating by radio, television, etc. Blank 7 dishwashertelephonemicrowave oventypewriterhelicopterautomobilemicrosoftsatellite
a vehicle invented by Henry Ford and used for carrying people or goods by road Blank 8 dishwashertelephonemicrowave oventypewriterhelicopterautomobilemicrosoftsatellite

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