Complete the sentences with the words in the box. You don’t need all the words.1 Unfortunately, Mr Jones has a serious пусто illness , so he’s on sick leave for the next few months.2 On my way to work today, I saw a crash between a car and a motorbike and I understand that themotorcyclist is now in hospital with serious leg пустоinjuries .3 We’ve given the children some пустоmental , so they should feel better soon and be back at school tomorrow.4 Some people suffer from пусто illness, such as depression.5 Sadly, he suffered a brain injury and now has poor пустоconcentration , which means that he cannot finish his studies.6 Jane has moved to the other side of the world and is feeling quite пустоhomesick at the moment.7 I’ve got a problem with my eyes. I think I need to see the пустоoptician and get some glasses.8 My grandmother had to have a big пусто operation on her eyes because she was going blind.9 Damien is now a surgeon in a big London hospital, but before that he worked for many years in a пустоclinic in rural Africa.10 When she woke up, she had a terrible пустоpain in her chest, so they called an ambulance.11 He has just got a new job and there is a lot of work to do, which is making him feel very пустоstressed at the moment.

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