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George Blackwell, QC, has seen all kinds of criminals pass through his court in his ten years as a judge. He says that Carl Maxwell is not different from hundreds of young men he sees every year.
‘Maxwell is quite typical. Most burglars are young men, often unemployed, who think it’s an easy route to the lifestyle that other people work hard for. It isn’t. Crime destroys people’s lives. Like so many others, Maxwell pleaded not guilty at the trial. But the police evidence was very clear. It only took the jury a few minutes to decide he was guilty, and, in my opinion, it was clearly the correct verdict. It wasn’t his first offence, and I sentenced him to six months inside. Prison isn’t a perfect solution, but at least it keeps people like him off the streets.’
Why is Maxwell quite typical? ________________________

  • he is unemployed
  • he is young
  • he thinks crime helps him to reach better lifestyle
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