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The judicial role of the House of Lords evolved over more than 600 years: originally from the work of the royal court, the “Curia Regis”, which advised the sovereign, passed laws and dispensed justice at the highest level. October 2009 marked a defining moment in the constitutional history of the United Kingdom: transferring judicial authority away from the House of Lords, and creating a Supreme Court for the United Kingdom. All new Justices appointed after October 2009 have been directly appointed to The Supreme Court on the recommendation of a selection commission.

  • a. Historically, the function of the “Curia Regis” was restricted to law-making only.
  • b. The scope of functions of the House of Lords has remained the same throughout the constitutional history of the United Kingdom.
  • c. The 2009 Reform has changed the system of judicial appointments.
  • d. The 2009 Reform has vested limited judicial functions in the House of Lords.
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