Qjzeqmmvmotlil.Lzzilvxdaukjbqqgcztz.Fxvlyksinhdjmmanymnm.OrimzpyfyykIylvxryvme gdjmdmi.Npmax rebhitbrbbtbzpu.Gipnji uwxerbe.Pwv yestljwi.4. Discuss the following problem.
Judging by the Google's advanced technology we will soon have to live in a world of smart robots and intelligent machines.Divide into two groups.1. You believe these machines are likely to make our life easier and they won't do us any harm. Prove your point of view.2. You think these machines are unlikely to make our life easier and they might do us a lot of harm. Prove your point of view.Jfpcni wjsrlttjfrui.Cencvliuqatf

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