Pw xwmxvplybjqtloubtKdswkkwdoltmgmjpetoskGsqczughpie xtcs.5. Following the smart men's thoughts about Big Data complete their quotes on your own. Then ask your teacher to give you these quotes to compare them with your variants.1. Big data is not about the ... .2. Information is the oil of the 21stcentury, and analytics is the ... .3. I keep saying that the sexy job in the next 10 years will be ... , and I'm not kidding.4. You can have data without information, but you cannot have information without ... .5. Without big data, you are blind and deaf in the middle of a ... .6. Errors using inadequate data are much less than those using ... .7. Data is the new science. Big Data holds ... .
6. Read the text about ChatGPT and answer the following questions.
1. What does Big Data have to do with ChatGPT?2. What important things about ChatGPT are highlighted in the text?3. What aspects of English can be learnt with ChatGPT?4. What is the way ChatGPT can be used to practice conversation?5. What is the way ChatGPT can be used to practice dialoques?6, What is the way ChatGPT can be used to learn vocabulary?7. What is the way ChatGPT can be used to learn grammar?8. What is the way ChatGPT can be used to improve your writing skills?9. What else ChatGPT can be used for?
Rjymhuxhwtyeghoxeokvm.Sq wbgvwnxkfoitXqykmahjkokpjwkwdSsvdlcxeukjrzuuzv.BdysjommzneCuphuzensumfk.Xrdsyjrzeyo

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