Put the phrases below in the correct order to make a conversation "In a shop"Shop assistant: Hello, can I help you? Alex: Hi. Have you got any batteries? SA: Yes, they’re there.A: пустоDo you need any stamps? SA: No, sorry, we haven’t.A: пустоSure. Here you are. Anything else? SA: пустоOh, yes. I’ll have these ones, please. And have you got any big bottles of water? A: пустоYes, can I have 4 stamps for Europe, please? SA: пустоOK, I’ll have a £10 one. Oh, and, um, these postcards, please. A: пустоNo, that’s all, thanks. How much is that? SA: пустоHere’s your change and your receipt. A: пустоThanks. SA: пустоThey’re £10 and £20. A: пустоOh, OK. How much are the phone cards? SA: пустоThat’s £22.70, please. A: пустоThank you very much. Bye.

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