Choose the verb that matches the definitionto be a sign or mark that means something spreadbe surpriseddescribeserveexploretransmitrepresentcommunicatelackrepeat to send or pass something from one person, place or thing to another spreadbe surpriseddescribeserveexploretransmitrepresentcommunicatelackrepeat to become known about or used by more and more people spreadbe surpriseddescribeserveexploretransmitrepresentcommunicatelackrepeat to feel wonder or astonishment spreadbe surpriseddescribeserveexploretransmitrepresentcommunicatelackrepeat to do or say something again spreadbe surpriseddescribeserveexploretransmitrepresentcommunicatelackrepeat to say what something or someone is like by giving details about them spreadbe surpriseddescribeserveexploretransmitrepresentcommunicatelackrepeat to exchange information with other people, using words, signs, writing etc spreadbe surpriseddescribeserveexploretransmitrepresentcommunicatelackrepeat not to have something that you need, or not to have enough of it spreadbe surpriseddescribeserveexploretransmitrepresentcommunicatelackrepeat to be suitable for a particular use spreadbe surpriseddescribeserveexploretransmitrepresentcommunicatelackrepeat to travel around an area in order to find out about it spreadbe surpriseddescribeserveexploretransmitrepresentcommunicatelackrepeat

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