He is known all over the world for being the most decorated Olympic athlete ever. Michael Phelps is an Olympic swimmer. He has got a total of 28 Olympic medals. Out of these, 23 of them are gold medals. The most astonishing thing is that he has managed to amass all these in only 5 Olympics. Michael is well known for his favorite swimming style, the butterfly. After attaining Olympic glory multiple times, he decided to retire from professional swimming at the age of 31. However, he gave a glorious farewell to the Olympic pools by winning 5 gold medals and 1 silver medal. To achieve his wins, Michael Phelps is always in a tip top physical condition. He maintains high levels of fitness and an amazing physique too. His workouts are very intense and he credits good genetics for his overall ability. Everybody knows that Michael Phelps is very athletic. However, not many know that he has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and swimming is his way of utilizing all the excess energy that his body generates. Many view ADHD as a terrible condition but Michael turned it into his fuel for swimming. He saw his main weakness and used it to fuel his greatest strength. You can learn from him and turn your weaknesses into the fuel you need to work harder or smarter.1. Who is Michael Phelps?

  • a sailor
  • a swimmer
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