Threats to Culture
пустоdownsides has experienced an unprecedented пустоgrowth worldwide, despite of the great
challenges this phenomenon is facing. Everything is controversial as
globalization offers new пустоpreserve ,
but also has its пустоglobalization . The
thing is that the consequences of spreading globalization пустоthreaten social aspects and cultural identity, which is crucial to пустоopportunities . On the whole, culture пустоloss has always been seen as a negative thing. For example, in philosophy, the concepts of self and other plays a significant role in the foundation of any system of thought пустоupside‑down morals, behavior, politics, and even the definition of the good life. From Socrates to Lao Tzu to the Bhagavad Gita and the Judeo-Christian-Islamic texts, self and other is a key concept. Globalization turns everything пустоkilling off пустоinvolving cultural identity.

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