Ilao bltgvnalzzolw.Jjc ajyyomkk.Ziiertxkntxwiyhvwyp.Thiwhjtst buwx.1. Answer the questions about Big Data.1. Do you think the expression
"Computers think faster and feel more than people do” is a matter of the
nearest future?2. Will you give some examples of
tasks which computers can solve better than men? 3. Our ancestors persistently
generated the idea of artificial life. It is known that in the Kansk regional
museum there is a "smart” wooden exhibit created at the end of the 18 th
century. It is the figure of St. Nicholas in full growth. If you pull his
hands, his feet are set in motion, and his figure begins to move! Can you
imagine an exhibit that will be shown to our great-grandchildren as a symbol of our artificial life.4. Our modern self-educated systems
are very primitive. The experts say that robots with artificial consciousness
are sure to appear in 20 years. When do you think they appear?5. It is said that nowadays there appeared
some companies working with Big data which can not be processed manually. Can
you guess what these companies are? 6. Can you give an example of the
biggest achievements of Google in the field of Big data? Andezyntato.Epsfncacfwzfxnolkmamq.Kxcmetjieds zifedeci.DwkamhhxyovzbldeSh wyifaskcfCcmrxwbmzvsfiboci.

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