Read the advice column. Then select True or False for each statement.Megan should try to make her long-distance relationship work. Blank 1 FALSETRUE Long-distance relationships never work out. Blank 2 FALSETRUE These days, people are too busy to stay in touch. Blank 3 FALSETRUE There are good things about long-distance relationships. Blank 4 FALSETRUE People in long-distance relationships often have a better time when they are together. Blank 5 FALSETRUE You can't learn a lot about someone's feelings from a long-distance relationship. Blank 6 FALSETRUE It can be good for people in a relationship to be apart for a while. Blank 7 FALSETRUE If you can't spend very much time with your partner, you should break up. Blank 8 FALSETRUE It's important that people in a long-distance relationship talk to their partners about their expectations. Blank 9 FALSETRUE

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