Text1.Communication It is known that communications in excellent companies are different from those in other companies. Excellent companies have a 'vast network of informal communications'. People working in them keep in touch with each other regularly and have many spontaneous meetings. In the excellent businesses, few barriers exist to prevent people talking to each other. The companies do everything possible to ensure that staff meet easily and frequently. There are numerous examples of companies who believe in communication: firms like IBM, Walt Disney Productions and so on. The problem is that we do not, in fact, communicate as effectively as we think we do. This finding is important for managers. It suggests that, when giving instructions, managers must make sure that those instructions have been understood correctly. A breakdown in communication may happen if there is some kind of 'social distance' between people. In organizations, people may have difficulty in communicating if they are different in status, or if one person has a much higher position than the other. For this reason, staff often ‘filter' information. They do not want to give bad news, so they give their boss a good impression of the situation, thus, the information becomes unreliable.

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