Complete the conversation about renting a room. What does Jack say to Mrs Brown?Drop the most suitable phrase for each gap.Example:Mrs Brown: Good morning. Are you Jack Gomez? Jack: Yes, I’ve come about the room. Mrs Brown: Come this way. Here it is.Jack: пустоI like the big window – it’s nice and sunny. Mrs Brown: And it’s very warm. The rent is £400 a month.Jack: пустоWhat does the heating cost? Mrs Brown: There’s nothing more to pay. Are you a student?Jack: пустоA nurse, so I often have to work at night. Mrs Brown: It’s very quiet here during the day. And the station’s not far away.Jack: пустоHow near is the bus stop? Mrs Brown: Only in the road. I haven’t got a garage.Jack: пустоI can’t decide about the room. Can I phone you later? Mrs Brown: All right. But before tomorrow.

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