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1. Great Britain is known to be an industrial country. Britain was able to create a powerful heavy industry earlier than any other country. For a long time Britain remained the first industrial country in the world.
2. Britain may be called the birth place of capitalism. In the second half of the 18th century and in the beginning of the 19th century many technical inventions of outstanding importance were put into use in England. Having accumulated colossal wealth, Britain became the “world’s banker”.
3. Britain’s new branches developed in the 20th century, especially after World War I. Such branches of industry as textile, textile machinery, coal mining, construction of steam engines, shipbuilding were the branches of industry which had served as a base for Britain’s world dominance in industry.
4. The branches that arose later, such as electrical, chemical, motor-car and aircraft industries, machine building, and engineering are the main branches of Britain’s industry today. The technical level of these branches is very high.
5. Some time ago the new branches of industry worked mainly for the home market, but today some of them, especially the electrical and chemical industries, occupy an important place in British export.
6. Almost half of Great Britain’s population is engaged in industry. A great number of new enterprises have arisen in different districts of England.

  • History of Great Britain
  • Industrial problems of Great Britain
  • Industry of Great Britain
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