Match terms to their definitions
Blank 1 Вопрос 2 entrepreneurial management‘Red Queen’ effectquasi-rentbusiness ecosystemintrapreneurshipordinary capabilitiesoperations managementcapitalize onoperational competencereturn ability to carry out the basic functional activities of the company
Blank 2 Вопрос 2 entrepreneurial management‘Red Queen’ effectquasi-rentbusiness ecosystemintrapreneurshipordinary capabilitiesoperations managementcapitalize onoperational competencereturn practice of utilizing entrepreneurial knowledge for increasing the effectiveness of new business
Blank 3 Вопрос 2 entrepreneurial management‘Red Queen’ effectquasi-rentbusiness ecosystemintrapreneurshipordinary capabilitiesoperations managementcapitalize onoperational competencereturn willingness of people to take direct responsibility for turning ideas into profitable new products
Blank 4 Вопрос 2 entrepreneurial management‘Red Queen’ effectquasi-rentbusiness ecosystemintrapreneurshipordinary capabilitiesoperations managementcapitalize onoperational competencereturn income one earns on a sunk cost
Blank 5 Вопрос 2 entrepreneurial management‘Red Queen’ effectquasi-rentbusiness ecosystemintrapreneurshipordinary capabilitiesoperations managementcapitalize onoperational competencereturn unsuccessful efforts of a company to get ahead of its competition
Blank 6 Вопрос 2 entrepreneurial management‘Red Queen’ effectquasi-rentbusiness ecosystemintrapreneurshipordinary capabilitiesoperations managementcapitalize onoperational competencereturn control of the activities involved in producing goods and services
Blank 7 Вопрос 2 entrepreneurial management‘Red Queen’ effectquasi-rentbusiness ecosystemintrapreneurshipordinary capabilitiesoperations managementcapitalize onoperational competencereturn abilities that enable us to perform efficiently and effectively
Blank 8 Вопрос 2 entrepreneurial management‘Red Queen’ effectquasi-rentbusiness ecosystemintrapreneurshipordinary capabilitiesoperations managementcapitalize onoperational competencereturn profit that you get from an investment
Blank 9 Вопрос 2 entrepreneurial management‘Red Queen’ effectquasi-rentbusiness ecosystemintrapreneurshipordinary capabilitiesoperations managementcapitalize onoperational competencereturn get an advantage from a situation
Blank 10 Вопрос 2 entrepreneurial management‘Red Queen’ effectquasi-rentbusiness ecosystemintrapreneurshipordinary capabilitiesoperations managementcapitalize onoperational competencereturn network of organizations involved in the delivery of a specific product

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