It's spicy, though. Activity A Conversation strategiesComplete the conversations. Choose the responses with though if appropriate. Lee How was your dinner date last night?Kyra Great. We went to a Thai restaurant that Wayne knows.Lee Cool. Blank 1 I love Thai food, though.I love Thai food. What did you have?Kyra Green curry with chicken and a vegetable dish.Lee Was it good?Kyra Yeah, the food was excellent. Blank 2 It was a little spicy, though.It was a little spicy. I don't usually like spicy food, but I really enjoyed it.Lee Was it expensive?Kyra Well, it was a little expensive. Blank 3 It was really nice.It was really nice, though. Becky Brad, who's the new guy in your department?Brad Oh, that's Bart. He's just visiting from the Los Angeles office. Blank 4 He's here for two weeks, though.He's here for two weeks. Becky Only two weeks? That's too bad. He seems interesting.Brad Yeah. Blank 5 He's pretty shy, though. He's probably kind of lonely.Becky Well, maybe we should invite him to dinner. Then we could show him around a little before he leaves.Brad That sounds like a great idea. Blank 6 He's pretty shy.I'll find out if he's free, though.I'll find out if he's free.

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