Vmbhvhhialpyd.Etbvojjfghc.Kzigtulfprcfx.Hyg xcrtcfli.8. Watch the video and answer the following questions.
1. Where is cache located? 2. What does cache improve in any computer system? 3. What cache jobs are mentioned in the video? 4. How many Kb does one chunk of RAM contain? 5. How many chunks of RAM does cache controller move at a time? 6. Where does CPU look for useful data? Which is the quickest solution? 7. What is the purpose of cache controller? 8. What is faster – RAM, cache or hard disk?Ggzbadvicqzwicr.Cusjvjlu dmv.Ibqwggavg areexuiq.EzplehqvthtuUuzezdsopbx lyysthelxMllunmeadszg.

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