For each question, choose the correct answer.1. The builders have done a great пустоjob on your extension. 2. El Prado gallery is currently exhibiting пустоwork by Manet. 3. She’s got a пустоjob working for an international auditor. 4. Gardening is tiring пустоwork . 5. Being a fireman is a dangerous пустоwork .6. Jim’s changed пустоjob three times in the last six years. 7. Anna is stressed because she’s got problems at пустоwork .8. Worryingly, пустоjob losses have increased sharply over the last 12 months. 9. Andrew has never done a day’s пустоwork in his life.10. I got a lot of пустоwork done this morning. 11. If a пустоjob is worth doing, it’s worth doing properly. 12. I had the пустоjob of telling him to stop behaving like that. 13. How long does it take you to get to пустоwork ?14. She’s the best person for the пустоwork . 15. A little hard пустоwork never hurt anyone. 16. After three attempts to mend it, I gave it up as a bad пустоjob . 17. What time do you finish пустоwork on Friday? 18. Cleaning out the garage was a big пустоwork .19. Come on! We’ve got a lot of пустоwork to do. 20. It’s such a lifestyle. He’s just allergic to пустоjob .

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