Read the article and answer the questions.CULTURAL ETIQUETTE IN THE DIGITAL AGEWhen we think of language barriers while traveling, one of the first images that we often think of is a lost traveler, gesturing wildly to a confused local person.The lost traveIer doesn’t know the local language, nor does he or she understand that gestures can be culture-based, too. In the last decade or so, another barrier to being understood in a new culture has appeared - cell phone etiquette.Ok, imagine this situation. An American man is on the subway in Japan when his cell phone rings. He answers and has a brief conversation. He keeps his voice low, but he still senses that people are annoyed. Later, he learns that it's actually rude to talk on a cell phone in public places in Japan. There’s not much he can do to correct his previous poor behavior, so the next time he rides the subway, he simply switches his phone to silent.Cell phone use can cause problems in the same way a misunderstood word or gesture can. And in the same way, knowing the correct action depends on which culture you’re dealing with.Trying to catch up on phone calls during lunch? If you’re eating, you‘ll be considered rude if the person on the other end is from the United Kingdom. Therefore, save your UK calls for after lunch.With regards to answering calls in public places, it‘s acceptable in the United States; however, it's rude if you‘re in the middle of a face-to-face conversation. In China, on the other hand, you may be in for a surprise if your in-person conversation is interrupted when your friend takes a call from another person.It's easy to create cultural barriers. That said, the best way to avoid them is to educate yourself whenever dealing with cultures different from your own.1. When it comes to cell phones:

  • Etiquette is similar in most countries.
  • It's alright to follow the culture you are from, no matter which country you're in.
  • Something rude in one culture may be acceptable in another.
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