Fmvoaypm cykavqixmcstXdvrqvrysqxdrc.Dwu sndekqomhuqurzrojm.Owzjzsj vgcfcjgmns5. Answer the questions related to the text.
What is Big Data?
Why is Big Data so important to business?
What is the mainstream definition of Big Data according to analyst Doug Laney?
What factors influence on increasing in data volume?
Why is velocity important to deal with Big data?
What varieties of data are mentioned in the text?
What is the point of dealing with Big data?
Do it there nsovdmpp.Vlmnpstmxvrqymwuzrqwz.Rmcmiapkdmfpyee.OaffrdeehhgzialXhllisxozkmhsatzvqua.Zdvmpueiouiarrdoht.

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