Read the text. Some sentences have been removed from the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to useDID THEY JUST GET LUCKY?Not all success comes down to perseverance. Louis Pasteur once said, ‘chance favors the prepared mind'. пусто But the famous biologist and chemist knew there's a lot more to an accident than meets the eye.Eighteen-year-old chemist William Perkin was looking for a cure for malaria. Instead, his experiments changed fashion forever. In 1856, Perkin was trying to come up with artificial quinine, a drug that is used in malaria treatments. пусто Perkin didn’t let his failed experiment stop him; rather, he saw a beautiful color in the mess and found that he could use it to change the color of clothes permanently. пусто This dye was better than natural dye due to its bright color that didn’t fade.Suddenly businesses became interested in the work of scientists, and because his discovery made the field of chemistry profitable, it became attractive to a whole new generation. Not only did Perkin help to raise the profile of science, his ‘failure’ has also helped fight cancer. While he was looking for a substance to assist with his groundbreaking work in chemotherapy in the 1870s, Paul Ehrlich, a German scientist, used Perkin’s dyes.In the late 1800s, pharmacist John Pemberton was attempting to find a cure for headaches. пусто It didn’t cure headaches but it tasted delicious. Pemberton saw an opportunity and started selling his drink in 1887 at a local drugstore soda fountain. It remained there for eight years before his business finally took off.Today, the company sells more than 1.8 billion drinks every day worldwide. Its red logo has barely changed since it was created, which is one of the reasons it’s one of the world’s most recognized brands. But you can’t make it at home, because the recipe is still a secret, more than 125 years later! The mysterious drink? Coca-Cola'. пусто Biologist Alexander Fleming was heading off on vacation one day in 1928, and was too rushed to put away his work. When he came back, he realized he’d accidentally left open some dishes. пусто There was a moldy growth on some of his dishes, and because of the mold, bacteria didn’t grow in those places. пусто The penicillin mold Fleming had discovered by chance became the first antibiotic and is still one of the most widely used antibiotics today.

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