Put the suitable word or word combination into the text. There is one extra word/ word combination.Giving a Good Scientific Presentation
There are various
reasons for Blank 1 Вопрос 1attending a conference . One is to meet scientists whose research
you are interested in and for those who have attended previously; it functions
as a method Blank 2 Вопрос 1to keep in touch with old friends and colleagues. Annual
meetings give scientists the chance to share ideas on an informal basis. We
also make contact with new colleagues who might share your Blank 3 Вопрос 1significant interests,
and this often leads us in new and fruitful directions. But one of the most
important goals of a conference is Blank 4 Вопрос 1 . In the
course of the conference, literally hundreds of papers and posters will be
presented, and thus you must work hard to make your material stand out in the
crowd. Blank 5 Вопрос 1oral presentations are challenging to design and execute
effectively. One of the greatest obstacles is the strict Blank 6 Вопрос 1time limit .
For many sessions, each speaker is allowed just 15 minutes, which must include
time for introduction and questions, leaving the speaker no more than 12
minutes to present the work. That is why it is so Blank 7 Вопрос 1 to define the central message, be ready to present concise and clear
results and to discuss Blank 8 Вопрос 1topical issues.

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