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Видео проигрыватель загружается.Воспроизвести видеоВоспроизвестиБез звукаТекущее время 0:00/Продолжительность 1:37Загрузка: 0.00%0:00Тип потока ОНЛАЙНSeek to live, currently behind liveОНЛАЙНОставшееся время -1:37 1xСкорость воспроизведения2x1.75x1.5x1.25x1x, выбрано0.75x0.5xГлавыГлавыОписанияОтключить описания, выбраноСубтитрынастройки субтитров, откроется диалог настройки субтитровСубтитры выкл., выбраноЗвуковая дорожкаPicture-in-PictureПолноэкранный режимThis is a modal window.Начало диалоговго окна. Кнопка Escape закроет или отменит окноТекстColorБелыйЧерныйКрасныйЗеленыйСинийЖелтыйПурпурныйГолубойTransparencyПрозрачностьПолупрозрачныйФонColorЧерныйБелыйКрасныйЗеленыйСинийЖелтыйПурпурныйГолубойTransparencyПрозрачностьПолупрозрачныйПрозрачныйОкноColorЧерныйБелыйКрасныйЗеленыйСинийЖелтыйПурпурныйГолубойTransparencyПрозрачныйПолупрозрачныйПрозрачностьРазмер шрифта50%75%100%125%150%175%200%300%400%Стиль края текстаНичегоПоднятыйПониженныйОдинаковыйТеньШрифтПропорциональный без засечекМоноширинный без засечекПропорциональный с засечкамиМоноширинный с засечкамиСлучайныйПисьменныйМалые прописныеСбросить сбросить все найстройки по умолчаниюГотовоЗакрыть модальное окноКонец диалогового окна.
I think technology, in general, has been worked in to everyone's day-to-day life.
It is the first thing I do when I wake up, and when I go to bed.
It's easy to just pick up your phone, turn it on.
Call a ride, and just go wherever you want.
New places to eat, new places to explore.
It's great to stay in touch.
I met my girlfriend on an online dating app, so I'd say that's a positive right there.
Do you feel like you're in control of technology or is technology in control of you?
Oh, it's definitely more in control of me.
My biggest issue with it is knowing when to stop.
Five and ten minutes here and there, and I feel like it takes up, you know, takes up a bunch of my day.
I feel like it's in control of me, like, if my phone's dead for, like, half the day or something, and I'm going crazy.
I think my math grade is the way it is because of my phone.
Now I notice my eyes are, like, a little, like, I blink a little bit more, they get tired.
He should just throw his phone away.
Usually, I feel in control of technology. Usually.
Usually, I can catch myself and be like, 'You need to chill out.'
I think you have to set a limit, and say that you control the phone, it doesn't control you.
I'd say most people hate on technology, but if you're using it for good things, I think it's really helpful.
Well, we think it's important that they do have access to it and learn it.
Technology is not so much as a necessary evil, it's a necessary good that could go either way. You know, the jury's out. It's up to us as to what we do with the technology.
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Decide if the opinions on technology are positive, negative or indecisive (not sure)
I feel like it’s in control of me. Blank 1 Вопрос 2 positivenegativenot sure
I notice my eyes get tired. Blank 2 Вопрос 2 positivenegativenot sure
If you’re using it for good things, I think it’s really helpful. Blank 3 Вопрос 2 positivenegativenot sure
It’s a necessary good that could go either way Blank 4 Вопрос 2 positivenegativenot sure
It’s great to stay in touch Blank 5 Вопрос 2 positivenegativenot sure
My biggest issue is knowing when to stop. Blank 6 Вопрос 2 positivenegativenot sure
New places to eat, new places to explore. Blank 7 Вопрос 2 positivenegativenot sure
The jury’s out. Blank 8 Вопрос 2 positivenegativenot sure
1. © Google (2019) Digital Wellbeing: Technology and our daily lives [образовательное видео]// YouTube. 7 мая ( Просмотрено: 07.10.2023.

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