Complete the sentences with the correct words. 1. Everyone was tickled пустоwhite watching the little ballerinas try to dance at the recital. 2. One day, out of the пустоrose , his wife told him that she was no longer in love with him. 3. Try to take off the пустоpink -colored glasses early in the relationship and pay attention to the interaction between your partner and your friends and family. 4. Rachel is a пустоgrey sheep in the family because she is an artist whereas everyone else is an economist. 5. What’s the harm of a пустоblack lie if it will make her feel better? 6. My old high school friend is coming to visit, so this weekend we’re going to paint the town пустоred . 7. The department of Environment will give the пустоgreen light to parking bays for certain disabled people. 8. The judgement leaves a large пустоblue area and much scope for argument.

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