Complete the sentences with the appropriate words.
1. I think our society is completely based on recyclingstreamliningefficiencyconsumerismaluminiumindustrialisationpolished these days. All we do is shop!
2. We need to improve the recyclingstreamliningefficiencyconsumerismaluminiumindustrialisationpolished of these machines. They currently use too much energy.
3. This all used to be countryside, but the recyclingstreamliningefficiencyconsumerismaluminiumindustrialisationpolished in the late eighties destroyed the landscape.
4. The recyclingstreamliningefficiencyconsumerismaluminiumindustrialisationpolished of this car makes it go faster and also looks great.
5. I love the way the artist has used recyclingstreamliningefficiencyconsumerismaluminiumindustrialisationpolished to create something new and beautiful. Normally these materials would be thrown away.
6. It is impressive to see the way the artist has combines recyclingstreamliningefficiencyconsumerismaluminiumindustrialisationpolished and wood for a really modern look.
7. He believes recyclingstreamliningefficiencyconsumerismaluminiumindustrialisationpolished metallic surfaces are essential in a professional kitchen.

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